Horoscope match!!zodiac compatibility:astrology

how astrology works? 

when we were talking about romantic relationships, there are many aspects that play a part when it comes to compatibility like your Sun Sign your moon sign dominant planets placements of Venus. The house positions etc etc, but the two most important things to know are the Sun sign and the moon sign and how those two energies blend together.

Two sides of the zodiac 

The air and fire side and then the earth and water side, if you pick up any astrology book it is going to title these two groups as masculine and feminine. but it has nothing to do with sexuality it has to do with energy the air and fire is considered masculine,

because they show strength through action the earth and water side is considered feminine, because they show strength through inner reserve let's take a look at the two sides of the zodiac, so you can get a deeper understanding of what I'm talking about the masculine side of the zodiac is made up of the air and fire science the air signs are Gemini Libra and Aquarius.

Side of zodiac 

Horoscope match!!zodiac compatibility:astrology

The fire science are Aries Leo and Sagittarius the feminine side of the zodiac is made up of the earth and water signs the earth signs, being Taurus Virgo and Capricorn the water signs being cancer scorpio and Pisces. so when you think in terms of compatibility the general rule of thumb is if you are on the same side of the zodiac.

 You are compatible because you basically speak a very similar language so now when I say general rule-of-thumb, I mean general this is just the basics so we can get insight into how easy or how challenging maintaining a connection

Can be within a romantic relationship for example if I'm a Gemini dating in Aries then we are on the same side of the zodiac so we speak a similar language so we are compatible likewise. if I'm a Taurus Daniel Pisces we are on the same side of the zodiac, so we speak a similar language and we are compatible if you are the exact same element like Aries and Sagittarius which are both the element fire, then you are extremely compatible, because you don't speak a similar language you speak the same language. which would be fire same would go for cancer and Pisces which are both water signs.

  1. so if you have the same element it means same language which equals extreme compatibility same side of the zodiac means similar language which equals strong compatibility and different sides of the zodiac means different language which equals a more challenging relationship now this doesn't mean that if you are from two different sides of the zodiac that your relationship is doomed and won't work actually if you have two different perspectives you can offer a lot in terms of exciting new ideas and information.                
  2. You are compatible because you basically speak a very similar language, so now when I say general rule-of-thumb. I mean general this is just the basics, so we can get insight into how easy or how challenging maintaining a connection can be within a romantic relationship, for example, if I'm a Gemini dating in Aries then we are on the same side of the zodiac, so we speak a similar language, so we are compatible likewise. if I'm a Taurus Daniel Pisces we are on the same side of the zodiac, so we speak a similar language, and we are compatible if you are the exact same element like Aries and Sagittarius which are both the element fire then you are extremely compatible because you don't speak a similar language you speak the same language. which would be fire same would go for cancer and Pisces which are both water signs so if you have the same element it means same language.                             
  3. which equals extreme compatibility same side of the zodiac means similar language, which equals strong compatibility and different sides of the zodiac means different language. which equals a more challenging relationship, now this doesn't mean that if you are from two different sides of the zodiac that your relationship is doomed and won't work actually, if you have two different perspectives you can offer a lot regarding exciting new ideas and information. How you're wired astrologically and how your partner is wired is going to assist in bridging on gap of miscommunication.                                              
  4. so understanding which side of the zodiac you and your partner is on is going to help you both in gaining insight into how compatible, you are now most people only look at the Sun sign. when they are thinking about compatibility but the most important thing when dealing with romantic compatibility is moon sign compatibility.          
  5. This is because your moon sign is how you're wired emotionally, so relationships have a lot to do with personality traits, and what you have in common. which is going to be indicated by our Sun Sign, however, when there is a conflict and both people get emotional. they are operating much more from their moon signs, so the compatibility of their moon signs is what's really going to determine.                                                                
  6. how they deal with challenges within a relationship, and the same rule of thumb based on which side of the zodiac, you're on applies to the moon science compatibility also so if your moon signs are the same element, you will have a much stronger understanding of each other, and a stronger connection, because you speak the same emotional language, if your moon signs are from the same side of the zodiac then compatibility is promising, if your moon signs are on two different sides of the zodiac. you'll have a much more challenging time keeping that connection, but it can work it can work with good communication and commitment to connection, and resolution, now just like with any rules there's an exception to the rule this exception is anti-science let me explain.                                                                               
  7. what I mean every sign in the zodiac has a opposite we always hear that opposites attract, and they may attract but is extreme challenging to maintain a connection. when you see most things in the exact opposite way this can be tricky to understand and the reason is that each science opposite is on the same side of the zodiac. let me show you what I mean on the masculine side of the zodiac like we said before we have the fire signs Aries Leo and Sagittarius, the air signs Gemini Libra and Aquarius Aries is the opposite of Libra Leo is the opposite of Aquarius Gemini is the opposite of Sagittarius on the feminine side of the zodiac.                                                                     
  8. we have the earth signs Taurus Virgo and Capricorn, the water signs cancer Scorpio and Pisces the opposite of Taurus is Scorpio, the opposite of Virgo is Pisces and the opposite of Capricorn is cancer the reason. there are opposites is that they each do the same job within their element, for example Aries is the cardinal sign of the fire science, and Libra is the cardinal sign of the air science, so if you have two, signs that do the same job in the exact opposite way you're going to have conflict and if they have been opposing ideas on how to resolve conflict        
  9. you're going to have a hard road when it comes to compatibility so the exception to the rule is that the even though these signs are on the same side of the zodiac because they are polar opposites' compatibility is going to be challenging so to kind of wrap this up I'm going to give it a few examples so let's take Kim Carpathian she's a Libra with Pisces moon and Kanye West he's a Gemini with Pisces moon there are Sun signs Libra and Gemini are not only in the same side of the zodiac,                                   but they are the same element this is extremely compatible also when they get emotional, and they're operating from their moon signs.                                                               
  10. which are both Pisces they will have no problem understanding each other because it's not only the same element but it's the same sign, so these two are pretty compatible okay, there's a married couple that I work with who has a combination that isn't quite as cut and dry he is a Pisces with Sagittarius moon, and she is a Sagittarius a Taurus moon okay their son size Pisces and Sagittarius are on two different sides of the zodiac and so are their moon signs Sagittarius and Taurus moon, but they have two points of connection they both have Sagittarius and his Pisces and her tours are on the same side of the zodiac, so they have their challenges because when they're both emotional and operating from their moon signs Sagittarius and tourists         
  11. they can have a hard way to go but overall because they have enough points of connection the relationship can work, so we see how it can be a little more complex but understanding these basics will help you and seeing what you're up against in your relationship the important thing to remember is the moon sign is really the make-or-break point of connection in a romantic relationship if you have Sun signs and moons sign compatibility like Kim and Kanye do than great but the one that is more crucial is the moon sign


now if you're in a relationship or married, and you look up your charts and you find that your moon sign, and his moon sign or your moon sign, and her moon sign are not compatible this is not a death sentence for the relationship, it just means that to bridge the gap of miscommunication it's going to take some work and if you are both in love and you're both willing to do the work then, you can have a fulfilling exciting long-lasting relationship also you can still have some points of connection like the example I gave Earlier, either way now that you have this as a foundation we can start getting into the details of each sign, when it comes to compatibility and love. Love compatibility test


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aries Compatibility, 
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pisces compatibility, 
horoscope love match compatibility in english, 
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